No Excuses
Well what have we been up to these past two months - quite a lot actually. I have had quite a bit of work on and fitting that round the home education has been challenging. I am seriously thinking of giving up working but the extra income is useful to pay for things like piano lessons and swimming etc.
We have become more actively involved in a local home education group, well I say local in inverted commas, attending events usually means a 100 mile round trip but its well worth it. We have made some lovely new friends and I can honestly say it is so refreshing to meet like minded people who share our unmaterialistic views and lifestyles. We no longer feel like the odd ones out. Whenever possible we try to go by train to these events, it is much cheaper using the family railcard and of course more environmentally friendly.
Twice a month we now attend an art class which both Thea and James are enjoying. Thea is very into drawing with charcoal where as James has fun experimenting with a range of media. I have now framed two of their recent pieces and will be hanging then as soon as I finish decorating the hall. A frame and mount really enhances the work, it is well worth trying. Doesn't need to cost the earth, you can often pick up old pictures for free via the freecycle network or for a few pence from your local charity shop. Once acquired just remove the unwanted print, reuse the frame and mount, and hey presto a work of art.

November also saw us try out our new caravan with a trip to the Lake District. The Lakes was beautiful in its autumn glory and we had some memorable walks. Managed to get hold of some sheep's fleece for spinning so that should keep me busy over the winter. I have to admit whilst I was sad to see the old caravan go the new one is a vast improvement and I think we will certainly be going away again this winter.

Moonlight over Ullswater
This month we are busy with all things festive. Some good friends made us some advent boxes to decorate. We have decorated ours with pom pom snowmen and snowflakes - made entirely by us. The beanie hats were knitted on a peg loom made from a recycled tin can and some nails.If anyone is interested in making a loom just ask and I will send you the details alternatively this book is a good reference source.
On the subject of knitting I currently have a number of projects on the go including a corkscrew scarf in shocking pink and a bag knitted from recycled plastic carrier bags.
Well I think that's it for now, I given you a taste of what we have been up to and in so doing over come my writers block. More to follow I hope!