Living on Rations
Spent the morning looking at wartime rations and cookery books. We wondered how vegetarians would have faired and whether they were offered anything else in place of the meat rations. An article on the Vegetarian Society web site referred to vegetarians having to get a special ration book, this entitled them to an extra egg a week and an additional 3oz of cheese. We worked out what our weekly rations would have been:
Weekly Rations for a Family of Four
8 eggs
6oz (150 gms)tea
6oz (150 gms) preserves
1lb 8oz (600 gms) sugar
9 pints (4.95 litres) milk
12oz (300 gms) cooking fat
1lb (400 gms) cheese
6oz (150 gms) butter
9oz (225 gms) sweets
6lbs (2.4kg) pulses
Weekly Rations for a Family of Four
8 eggs
6oz (150 gms)tea
6oz (150 gms) preserves
1lb 8oz (600 gms) sugar
9 pints (4.95 litres) milk
12oz (300 gms) cooking fat
1lb (400 gms) cheese
6oz (150 gms) butter
9oz (225 gms) sweets
6lbs (2.4kg) pulses
Seems quite generous I don't think would we have starved as long as we had access to plenty of vegetables.
Went to see the Snow White pantomime put on by the village amateur dramatic society. It was worth every penny an absolute scream.