No Pain No Gain
Happy New Year to all home edders out there, hope you all had a great Christmas.
Well it has been a busy couple of months. We have now decorated three bedrooms and the children have all their books and toys unpacked. It is beginning to feel like home although there are still times when I struggle with the concept that we are not going back to Yorkshire. When you have lived in a place for twelve years you inevitably put down roots.
Christmas has been nice and relaxing. My Mum came to stay for a week which was lovely and Thea and James were so happy to see her again. We all felt a bit sad on Christmas Day about my Dad not being able to join us but when we spoke to him later in the day he told us he had spent an enjoyable day with friends and neighbours. It is the first year that the children have never seen him on Christmas Day.
This year's most popular present must be the pool table. We have all spent a good few hours potting spots and stripes.

Thea and I are also struggling with mastering the guitar - sore and aching fingers. The DVD tutorial is certainly right on one thing - no pain, no gain. The piano and penny whistle are much kinder on the hands if not on the ears!