Caravans and chrysalis
Thea was well chuffed this morning when Peri posted a message saying how much she had enjoyed reading Thea's spider poem, it made her day. Thanks Peri.
We are debating over whether to buy another caravan. We have seen two on E-bay that take our fancy. This morning Thea, James and I went to look at one near Easingwold. Thea did a brilliant job of navigating and we found the site no problem. Tomorrow we are off to Chester-le-Street to view another potential purchase.
Last night Thea's piano teacher rang to say could Thea start lessons again this Friday. Arghhh... Thea and I both panicked. This summer has seen little in the way of key contact. In fact I can't quite recall when Thea's fingers last came into contact with ebony or ivory. We had planned to have some intensive practice sessions over the next couple of weeks to catch up or should I say cover up our lack of activity. Well things didn't go too badly, much of the lesson was spent on working through new Grade II material leaving little time to go over the summer pieces, phew. With no lesson next week we have a week's grace - time for some serious catching up.
Fresh supplies of Hama beads were acquired today. I had thought of buying some from Bead Merrily after looking at some of the great design on Hama and Perler Bead Patterns (the designs are great, the site is well worth exploring if your into Hama). However, when I added the cost of postage to our order it was cheaper to buy them from the local toy shop. Armed with new supplies plotting of the constellations is now underway again. Tonight Draco was mapped out in Hama.
Whilst in the toy shop I had a browse over some of the educational toys and decided to purchase Times Tables Soundtracks, as I haven't opened it yet I am unable to give my opinions. I hear the Government's latest education idee recue is to make all children learn their tables by the age of 8. Can't quite work out government thinking on education, one minute they're saying formal learning particularly for boys shouldn't start until 7 and the next they're talking about upping the pressure still further. What next - a test at 8 to see who has met the tables target - will they ever learn!!
I have decided to purchase Leappad Read Plus Writing for James to try and encourage him with his reading and writing. I have toyed with the idea for sometime but finally made my mind to go ahead after chatting to a friend who rated it highly. Hope it doesn't prove to be one of those impulsive buys - only time will tell.
Great excitement tonight, our Vapourer Moth has emerged from its chrysalis. We released it into the garden to find a wingless mate. Apparently female Vapourer moths cannot fly and when they emerge from their chrysalis stay close to it. Once mated they lay their eggs inside the empty chrysalis. Good job ours was a male then, transferring female and chrysalis from jar to garden would be a tricky operation. Hope our other Vapourer is a male!
Have finally finished reading Atonement although I have to admit I was a touch frustrated with the ending - did Cecilia and Robbie survive the war or not? Its all a bit vague for me.
We are debating over whether to buy another caravan. We have seen two on E-bay that take our fancy. This morning Thea, James and I went to look at one near Easingwold. Thea did a brilliant job of navigating and we found the site no problem. Tomorrow we are off to Chester-le-Street to view another potential purchase.
Last night Thea's piano teacher rang to say could Thea start lessons again this Friday. Arghhh... Thea and I both panicked. This summer has seen little in the way of key contact. In fact I can't quite recall when Thea's fingers last came into contact with ebony or ivory. We had planned to have some intensive practice sessions over the next couple of weeks to catch up or should I say cover up our lack of activity. Well things didn't go too badly, much of the lesson was spent on working through new Grade II material leaving little time to go over the summer pieces, phew. With no lesson next week we have a week's grace - time for some serious catching up.
Fresh supplies of Hama beads were acquired today. I had thought of buying some from Bead Merrily after looking at some of the great design on Hama and Perler Bead Patterns (the designs are great, the site is well worth exploring if your into Hama). However, when I added the cost of postage to our order it was cheaper to buy them from the local toy shop. Armed with new supplies plotting of the constellations is now underway again. Tonight Draco was mapped out in Hama.

I have decided to purchase Leappad Read Plus Writing for James to try and encourage him with his reading and writing. I have toyed with the idea for sometime but finally made my mind to go ahead after chatting to a friend who rated it highly. Hope it doesn't prove to be one of those impulsive buys - only time will tell.
Great excitement tonight, our Vapourer Moth has emerged from its chrysalis. We released it into the garden to find a wingless mate. Apparently female Vapourer moths cannot fly and when they emerge from their chrysalis stay close to it. Once mated they lay their eggs inside the empty chrysalis. Good job ours was a male then, transferring female and chrysalis from jar to garden would be a tricky operation. Hope our other Vapourer is a male!
Have finally finished reading Atonement although I have to admit I was a touch frustrated with the ending - did Cecilia and Robbie survive the war or not? Its all a bit vague for me.