Dipping and bidding

Woke early on Saturday to finish the mega carpet cleaning job before having to return the machine by 10.30 a.m. Then it was off to a swim party at Bishop Auckland. I got slightly irritated in the changing rooms when a lippy young girl told me boys weren't allowed in the women's changing rooms. I asked her when she last saw a boy in a swim suit and politely suggested that next time she gave more thought to what she said before opening her mouth. "Oh and by the way" I added "long hair such as hers was a good breeding ground for head lice". A bit below the belt I know but it achieved the desired effect - a rather stunned silence. Thea has quite short hair, is a bit of a tom boy, likes outdoor pursuits and being in the countryside. Nothing wrong with that you would think but in today's over schooled, consumerist and materialistic society it seems to be a problem. Earlier in the week she told me that a girl living nearby had asked her when she was having a sex change so you can perhaps see why I was a little rattled by the comments at the swimming baths. I am proud of my daughter she is not taken in by mass marketing, advertising and peer pressure but I know she pays a price and these comments are hurtful.
On Sunday Thea went to see a friend's pony and enjoyed having a go at riding again. James went brambling with a friend and came home with enough blackberries to make a blackberry and apple crumble. I spent the afternoon on the allotment with my dad. We are making good progress. Hopefully next week we will be able to sow some of the seeds we have purchased. I am keen to reduce the number of car journeys to the allotment so have been looking for a bike trailer on eBay. On Sunday I thought I had secured one only to be outbid in the last 30 seconds - I can tell you the air was blue!!


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