New Year's Resolution
After falling behind with my blog writing last year I had made a new year's resolution to try and keep my blog more up to date in 2007. There already appears to be some slippage. Christmas proved to be a bit challenging for us - Nigel, Thea and I were all ill on Christmas Eve and Day with the cold/flu bug that has been doing the rounds. As new year approached we were on the mend and were able to spend an enjoyable New Years Eve with friends.
2007 looks like it is going to be a year of uncertainty. I have now given up work as balancing home education and work has proved impossible. Work for Nigel continues to be a nightmare with the bullying as bad as ever, we now feel his only option is to find another job. Next week we are accompanying him to Aberdeen where he has secured an interview. We have very mixed feelings, if he is offered the job it will mean a huge change for us. Whilst the opportunity of a fresh start in a beautiful part of the country is appealing leaving family and friends will be difficult and I know we will miss them very much.
Received a letter just after Christmas from the LEA telling us the Home Education Advisor would be visiting us on the 20th March - nice Christmas present.
I have just read a very good about home education and sustainability: How is Home Education Sustainable.