This weekend has been a hive of activity. Saturday saw Thea working on a number of projects - including shoe making, skateboard sports, rocket building and smart art. She also started her own blog -
Arty Kid. James spent the day with a friend cycling in the woods and pond dipping. He informs me he caught 10 pond snails and lots of fish.

Sunday morning saw the completion of our first meccano model, a garage crane. I have to admit I found the construction instructions a bit challenging and the whole operation was reminiscent of building flat pack furniture - are the leftover pieces surplus to requirements or vitally important components overlooked somewhere during construction! Who knows, only time will tell.
Early evening took us rock climbing and abseiling, a first on real rock for Thea and James. However, rain stopped play earlier than planned and we had to beat a hasty retreat, particularly when Nigel remembered we had left the car windows ajar.

Found a good game today -
The Change Game - excellent for practicing money skills. Thea preferred the one without the timer, less pressure, I am with her on that one.