A quieter day
Took a trip to the library to exchange our books and get our latest Reading Mission stickers. This afternoon Thea spent time with a friend and James and I commenced work on our second meccano model - a shipyard crane. Early evening took us to athletics, a fairly new venture for both children but one they seem to be really enjoying. I am impressed with the style of coaching, they have special junior javelin and discus so the children can train for both track and field. James developed a stitch whilst running his 600m, I jogged with him for the last 400m to keep him going and was pleasantly surprised not to be out of breath, even managed a semi sprint at the end, not bad for forty something. When James turns 8 I may even be persuaded to join the beginners group of the ladies running club, and then again...
Well tonight I lost it somewhat with James over his reading and now I'm feeling guilty and cross with myself for being so stupid. I know I should take a more relaxed attitude, everything you read about homeschooling and children learning to read tells you that you shouldn't worry because they will get there in their own time, but sometimes its easier said than done. I could really kick myself for being a complete and utter prat.
Well tonight I lost it somewhat with James over his reading and now I'm feeling guilty and cross with myself for being so stupid. I know I should take a more relaxed attitude, everything you read about homeschooling and children learning to read tells you that you shouldn't worry because they will get there in their own time, but sometimes its easier said than done. I could really kick myself for being a complete and utter prat.
Found a strange parcel on the back lawn this evening. Closer examination revealed it to be a
present for Thea from her Brownie Leader. I don't think they call her Brown Owl anymore. The present was a pen with a butterfly pencil top, fortunately in blue Thea doesn't do pink, and a cute little teddy bear wearing a brownie tee shirt. The pen was a thank you for all the hard work the brownies had put in over the term towards various events, the bear was an extra as it was decided that Thea was the most well behaved Brownie on Pack holiday and also she volunteered to help clean up after every activity. Well done Thea I'm really proud of you and can we have this domestic goddess at home, please!!
