Out and About
My blog writing timetable has gone astray with having guests so here is an update on this week's antics.

On yer bikes
My friend wanted to try out her newly acquired mountain bike, thus Thursday afternoon was spent peddling around Guisborough Forest. Thea was keen to visit Blue Lake, so called because alum salts washed into the lake gave the water a blue tinge. The lake was built in 1880 to supply water for hydraulic power at a nearby farm and has recently been restored. The kids had great fun making boats out of twigs and leaves to float down the newly constructed bypass spillway. Amazingly no one got wet, must be a first. Note the design of the spillway in the picture below we reckon it would make a pretty good toboggan/skeleton bobsleigh run in winter if it freezes. Just wide enough for a tea tray. I perhaps should stress here that we are not suggesting anyone actually attempts this and accept no responsibility or liability for anyone who injuries themselves trying. (You can stop worrying now Grandpa we have added a disclaimer!)
Another change
Managed to fit in a visit to the library before closing time to pick up some requested books, Boy - Tales of Childhood for Thea and a number of Leapfrog books for James. He seems to rather like these at the moment and wants to read them to me, excellent!
Said goodbye to my friend and her daughter, I think they enjoyed their stay. We have been invited to visit them in Birmingham later in the year.
A change of plan
Plans to visit Shoes - The Agony and Ecstasy, at the Shipley Art Gallery, were cancelled on Wednesday instead we opted to visit Danby Show, one of the many local country shows occurring in the Esk Valley over the summer. Although the show gave some insight into rural life, we couldn't help but feel that the livestock, arts and crafts displays were overshadowed by tacky fairground rides and bouncy castles. A sentiment shared by a few other friends I met whilst wandering around the showground. Despite this we did thoroughly enjoy rolling our own bees wax candles, combing a highland cow, watching a very entertaining falconry display and stroking the sheep. We also entertained some of the local farmers with our discussions about sheep fleeces and their relative potential for producing good spinning yarns. 

My friend wanted to try out her newly acquired mountain bike, thus Thursday afternoon was spent peddling around Guisborough Forest. Thea was keen to visit Blue Lake, so called because alum salts washed into the lake gave the water a blue tinge. The lake was built in 1880 to supply water for hydraulic power at a nearby farm and has recently been restored. The kids had great fun making boats out of twigs and leaves to float down the newly constructed bypass spillway. Amazingly no one got wet, must be a first. Note the design of the spillway in the picture below we reckon it would make a pretty good toboggan/skeleton bobsleigh run in winter if it freezes. Just wide enough for a tea tray. I perhaps should stress here that we are not suggesting anyone actually attempts this and accept no responsibility or liability for anyone who injuries themselves trying. (You can stop worrying now Grandpa we have added a disclaimer!)

Our postcard to Brazil has been sent. After much deliberation as to which postcard we should choose for our first Homeschool Postcard Club exchange we decided on a fairly traditional shot of the village. I hope they like it.
Another change
A severe weather warning brought yet another change to our week's itinerary. Our trip to Whitby on Friday was cancelled in favour of an excursion closer to home. The dry option was an afternoon at the bowling alley with friends. The kids thought bowling was great fun particularly when mum was well and truly thrashed.
Managed to fit in a visit to the library before closing time to pick up some requested books, Boy - Tales of Childhood for Thea and a number of Leapfrog books for James. He seems to rather like these at the moment and wants to read them to me, excellent!
Said goodbye to my friend and her daughter, I think they enjoyed their stay. We have been invited to visit them in Birmingham later in the year.