A move for Number 10
I guess I can change the blog date function on this blog but despite looking at the help I haven't yet managed to work it out, consequently my blog posts are still a day behind. So here is yesterday's blog...
There was much excitement today as the Number 10 Meccano Set was moved from Grandpa's house to ours. James is desperate to start building cranes, engines, etc. he is completely enthralled by the pictures in the construction manuals.
Visited friends at lunchtime and we enjoyed watching the chimney sweep at work. We talked about how children of Thea's and James' age had to sweep chimneys for a living in Victorian times. The sweep, who was a lovely guy, told us about the discovery of a skeleton behind a chimney in London. Following investigations by the crime scene detectives it was revealed that the find was the remains of a 150 year old skeleton of a chimney sweep boy still in his chimney sweep attire. One shudders to think how he might have suffered.

Our crystal solution appeared not to be fully saturated so we heated it in the microwave and dissolved some more alum into the solution. Within a couple of hours crystals were forming on the bottom of the jar.
Thea has started work on a shoe project, so far this has involved making a shoe measure, measuring feet of family members, and producing a cardboard prototype sandal.