Was that a knock at the door or am I dreaming? No that was definitely the bell this time. Oh no - I forgot today we were taking delivery of 100 vultures. Fortunately not the feathered variety. These beauties are wooden self assembly pencil holders, which kids can make and take away for £1.50. We are selling them at local events to raise funds for the
RSPB Kids The Vanishing Vultures appeal. If any of you out there are interested in buying one, and believe me its a worthy cause, let us know and we will investigate the logistics of sending them through the post.

I am indebted to my good friend Colin for coming up with the vulture design. He has been churning out animal pencil holders for years in his garage and selling them to raise funds for
Tree Aid. What a great guy. We have a whole collection of his past designs and I have spent many hours at shows helping kids put them together. Although assembly involves the use of a small hammer I can't recall any bruised or broken fingers, including my own. That said my reflexes have become pretty swift.
the little pencil holders are lovely - and I'm very impressed with the afghan squares on your sidebar link - do you just knit or crochet too?
Dawniy x(ted's mum, well grandma really cos Lana's his mum.)