Big Garden Birdwatch

I am suspicious that someone has tipped off the birds that it is the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch this weekend. The birds are noticeable by their absence or perhaps a weekend is not the best time to pick for the survey. I think there is too much disturbance - too many people around, including hubby who is painting the garage fascia board!
After an hour of watching the birds these are our results:
Starling x 2
Sparrow x 3
Blackbird x 2
Blue Tit x 1
Great Tit x 1
Chaffinch x 1
Wood Pigeon x 1
Greenfinch x 8
Robin x 2
Jackdaw x 1
Coal Tit x 1
James has been revisiting Study Dog. He is now on Level 3 and definitely making good progress. I have spent much of the weekend having a declutter. The dinning room is filling up with bags of stuff for the charity shops. Thea has made a snail sanctuary and a shoe rack.


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