A Mobile Home!

Spotted this in the car park at Jedburgh. Must be the most impressive mobile home I've seen; it belonged to a couple from Holland. Can't imagine its fuel economy is very good. This was my last holiday pic as I discovered I had forgotten the download lead for the camera - very annoying. Nigel did take some pics on his film camera but has not got them published yet.

After two good days at Jedburgh we travelled west to Moffat. Rainfall here is much higher - no kidding! Spent a very wet day at the Buddhist Temple and Tibetan Centre. An interesting place although not what we expected. The Temple was very glittery with its golden ceiling and 1008 golden buddhas. The cafe and gardens were lovely and tranquil and Thea just loved the shop. On returning to the caravan the kids transformed the bunk area into a Temple complete with pray flags and held a meditation session. Thea has expressed an interest in wanting to learn how to meditate, its something I quite fancy having a go at, guess I had better keep a look out for some courses.

On our last day we were awake early and watched the swallows gathering along the fence line of the caravan park. Well I guess summer is over. Visited Threave Castle, which has the added excitement that you have to access it by boat. Completed the quiz and James purchased a pencil sharpener catapult. He later spent many hours firing bits of paper across the caravan and conducting experiments as to which size paper ball made the best ammunition.

I have nearly finished reading Atomement, a good read. Looking forward to seeing the film next year.

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